
Question for housewives/Stay-at-Home moms

These days, many people think that housewives are lazy and they don’t do much throughout the day. Let’s say somebody asks what is your profession. And you respond by saying that you are a stay-at-home mom or a homemaker. And they respond “wow so lucky! You get to chill at home all day”. Or if they say “don’t you feel guilty that your husband has to work while you’re just sitting at home”? How would you respond ?

These days, many people think that housewives are lazy and they don’t do much throughout the day.

Let’s say somebody asks what is your profession. And you respond by saying that you are a stay-at-home mom or a homemaker. And they respond “wow so lucky! You get to chill at home all day”. Or if they say “don’t you feel guilty that your husband has to work while you’re just sitting at home”?

How would you respond ?

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