
[Question] how would you respond if TL wants details, and what you send is then too much?

Scenario : TL asks for details about a low priority problem, first taking problem with not being included in ALL emails, despite issue being verbalized with tester between the tester and myself. I send details to TL and Team only by pasting in technical explanation so to why (about 1 paragraph per problem) TL has calls meeting to tell me how my email has too much detail, and he wouldn’t be able to FW things like this over to Manager, Business, or others, and requests I revise my approach. … YET it was REQUESTED to urgently send them the details about the problem. Honestly it’s laughable, but wondering to what level it’s best to respond if future silly things like this arise. Honestly tho, I most probably need to care less, and QQ more … but to be faulted by giving over detailed summaries, from MY notes, spelling out the…

Scenario :

TL asks for details about a low priority problem, first taking problem with not being included in ALL emails, despite issue being verbalized with tester between the tester and myself.

I send details to TL and Team only by pasting in technical explanation so to why (about 1 paragraph per problem)

TL has calls meeting to tell me how my email has too much detail, and he wouldn’t be able to FW things like this over to Manager, Business, or others, and requests I revise my approach.

… YET it was REQUESTED to urgently send them the details about the problem. Honestly it’s laughable, but wondering to what level it’s best to respond if future silly things like this arise. Honestly tho, I most probably need to care less, and QQ more … but to be faulted by giving over detailed summaries, from MY notes, spelling out the exact problem and solution, and being requested immediately … is just funny and ironic.

I suppose going forth I will send tiny little sentences extracted from my technical notes (more overhead work on my end but whatever) and then be prepared for the follow-up ‘why’ Meeting m, using my full write-up as reference?
What would you do?

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