
Question regarding my own jobs legality?

First time poster of this subreddit. I know what the title sounds like, but hear me out. I'm going to omit a majority of identifiable information because I highly doubt my boss' use reddit but I'd rather not be yelled at or targeted for this. I work for a major medical transport company based in North Carolina. We specialize in patient care and hire EMTs. I and almost all of the people hired at the same station as me (we have different stations for each city) are being told that we must work at least one weekend day por month and that if we don't put availability for it on our scheduling system that it will be chosen for us and if we can't attend we have to find coverage or deal with consequences, I presume. For me, I don't mind as much but I know a majority of my…

First time poster of this subreddit. I know what the title sounds like, but hear me out. I'm going to omit a majority of identifiable information because I highly doubt my boss' use reddit but I'd rather not be yelled at or targeted for this.

I work for a major medical transport company based in North Carolina. We specialize in patient care and hire EMTs. I and almost all of the people hired at the same station as me (we have different stations for each city) are being told that we must work at least one weekend day por month and that if we don't put availability for it on our scheduling system that it will be chosen for us and if we can't attend we have to find coverage or deal with consequences, I presume.

For me, I don't mind as much but I know a majority of my co-workers have families and to be honest I just don't live to work. One weekend day a month may not sound a lot but I genuinely need my weekends to recover because I genuinely feel like my job has caused me to flow into a deep depression. Not to sound dramatic, but I genuinely have panic attacks and cry at the idea of going into work every day.

Not to mention that everyone's work moral is low as dirt right now due to multiple reasons with this company.

Does this all sound legal and alright to everyone? I want to be 100% sure before I risk my mental health and just work an extra day. Any advice – even if I don't wanna hear it – is appreciated.

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