
Questions on Job applications

Does anyone ever…feel that some of these questions shouldn't matter in the least? Like for example, there's a company I've applied for several times when postings come up(It's a really really hard, unionized place to get into)…and they ask if you're a member of a visible minority, have a visible disability, and finally…your gender. ​ Why ask those questions? Are they afraid of blowback if they don't hire a person of an ethnic minority? If they don't hire a woman over a man? Or is the it the other way, are they trying to fill a “quota” which I hope to god doesn't exist in this day in age. What does it matter? If the person is qualified, they're qualified.

Does anyone ever…feel that some of these questions shouldn't matter in the least? Like for example, there's a company I've applied for several times when postings come up(It's a really really hard, unionized place to get into)…and they ask if you're a member of a visible minority, have a visible disability, and finally…your gender.

Why ask those questions? Are they afraid of blowback if they don't hire a person of an ethnic minority? If they don't hire a woman over a man? Or is the it the other way, are they trying to fill a “quota” which I hope to god doesn't exist in this day in age. What does it matter? If the person is qualified, they're qualified.

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