
Quit after 2 days, I feel kind of guilty

So I just started a new retail job at this gourmet boutique chain, signed the contract etc. around a week ago. It was supposed to be a seasonal position until late December, which is great for me as I'm moving abroad to study. The place is okay and the job isn't difficult in any way, with most of the time being used on chatting with the boss just waiting for a customer and learning the products. I ended up quitting after the second day though and I just feel like venting a bit. Idk if I might come off as entitled and I feel kind of guilty because I had the choice to quit but I really just wanted someone's opinion on this: 5 and a half hour work day: In my country we don't have lunch breaks unless the day is 6 hours or more. This company makes all…

So I just started a new retail job at this gourmet boutique chain, signed the contract etc. around a week ago. It was supposed to be a seasonal position until late December, which is great for me as I'm moving abroad to study. The place is okay and the job isn't difficult in any way, with most of the time being used on chatting with the boss just waiting for a customer and learning the products. I ended up quitting after the second day though and I just feel like venting a bit. Idk if I might come off as entitled and I feel kind of guilty because I had the choice to quit but I really just wanted someone's opinion on this:

5 and a half hour work day: In my country we don't have lunch breaks unless the day is 6 hours or more. This company makes all the lower level employees work 5 1/2 hours instead so they don't need to give the 20/30 min break, basically cheating their way out giving lunch breaks.

Loud ass heating fan and an open door: To attract customers, the door has to be set wide open (idk how that works lol). It's around 10 degrees C around this time of year and to compensate for the loss of heat, a big ass loud ass heating fan thing is placed exactly above the door. Without even getting into the waste of energy this is, it makes this above ignorably loud fan sound and it's right next to the cash registers. I've got tinnitus and it flared up cause of the noise and I asked the boss if she could turn it down due to me having some hearing problems. She just told me if she turns it off it will get too cold and that the lower settings are still noisy so there is no point in lowering it.

No stools: I know it's not normal in retail jobs to get places to sit, but these two days were just so quiet and all the tasks I was given were so easy that 95 percent of the time was spent leaning up against the wall next to the fan.

Idk if these are very entitled demands but I just ended up quitting mostly because of the fan thing. The boss was nice and all but idk I just didn't feel it and I don't wanna work a place where I worry about my T because it's too loud. I'd much rather take my old street salesman job over this lol, even in the winter time.

Edit: pay was around 16 usd, it's the normal starting wage here but I'm completely okay with that amount, I didn't expect anything crazy

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