
Quit job due to bully.

Just wanted to post my experience here. I got a bartending job. It was okay. Then it got weird. I went out with my 1st bar manager and got drugged and almost died. Whatever. I lived. Then they employed a new bar manager. She told me I had to like her and didn’t believe me when I nodded, so she eventually came behind the bar off shift and assualted me, dragged me around, forced me to make her a drink by holding my arms. She grabbed my breasts a bunch. She told me I had to smile, I had to be sexy. That I was so cute but I had to like her. She told me I had to like her, or she would fire me. None of my nods of assurance convinced her, and every time she told me I had to like her got creepier, cumulating to her…

Just wanted to post my experience here.

I got a bartending job. It was okay. Then it got weird. I went out with my 1st bar manager and got drugged and almost died. Whatever. I lived. Then they employed a new bar manager. She told me I had to like her and didn’t believe me when I nodded, so she eventually came behind the bar off shift and assualted me, dragged me around, forced me to make her a drink by holding my arms. She grabbed my breasts a bunch. She told me I had to smile, I had to be sexy. That I was so cute but I had to like her. She told me I had to like her, or she would fire me. None of my nods of assurance convinced her, and every time she told me I had to like her got creepier, cumulating to her screaming “I can’t handle your disrespect” at me.

After that, I avoided her the best I could. I tried to bring up what she did, but it wasn’t taken seriously via myself or my witness.

In the meantime, she blamed me for any chores she didn’t do and almost always shorted her register and blamed it on me. She convinced the operator that we do not need to count quarters in the register … an argument I had to argue against for weeks. She would also sic customers on me. Working with her around felt dangerous af.

When she no called no showed for 3 days around NYE, I was thrilled when I heard she would not be coming back. Then they let her come back to throw a party while I was on shift… with less than two days notice and would not let me avoid her.

Anyways, I took 3 days off and went on a joyride. During these 3 days, they wanted a statement from me about someone calling someone an a-hole. They were upset I wasn’t in town, but I was more upset that calling someone an a-hole is taken more seriously than a vicious assault on me.

Anyways, I’ve got a new job starting tomorrow and I’m out of there.

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