
Quit my job and they immediately started lying about me.

Hired at a brewery to bartend, wasn’t making a ton of money so I asked for more hours which I got while others were out of town but then was put back on three days a week, asked for more hours again and actually got less while they hired three incompetent bartenders and had me do food running. So I quit, saying the place and coworkers are cool I just need to support my wife and kid, and the management came back and said I was “constantly” talking about how much I hate the place and coworkers while on the clock and oh yeah you turned the heat on 90 and left it all night so we were going to fire you anyway. I never said such things and in fact said the opposite n my message to them, plus not only had I not touched the thermostat I was…

Hired at a brewery to bartend, wasn’t making a ton of money so I asked for more hours which I got while others were out of town but then was put back on three days a week, asked for more hours again and actually got less while they hired three incompetent bartenders and had me do food running. So I quit, saying the place and coworkers are cool I just need to support my wife and kid, and the management came back and said I was “constantly” talking about how much I hate the place and coworkers while on the clock and oh yeah you turned the heat on 90 and left it all night so we were going to fire you anyway. I never said such things and in fact said the opposite n my message to them, plus not only had I not touched the thermostat I was not the closing bartender that night and it was that same manager who closed the place down. So yeah, never be loyal to an employer.

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