
Quit my job to grow weed full time

So as the title says, I quit my job last week so I can go back to growing cannabis full time. I was a Sous Chef at a seafood restaurant making about 40k a year. The owner is in the process of opening another restaurant next door and wanted to make me the Executive Chef. He offered me a 3k raise. I quit the same day. Not so much because I was offended, although I was. But moreso because I know what I'm capable of and I know what I'm worth. If this guy doesn't value me enough to pay me a decent wage that will allow me to buy a house and afford the mortgage and pay my bills and not have to get on welfare or food stamps… well then he can kiss my ass. He's the kind of guy to show up in a Tesla, one of…

So as the title says, I quit my job last week so I can go back to growing cannabis full time. I was a Sous Chef at a seafood restaurant making about 40k a year.

The owner is in the process of opening another restaurant next door and wanted to make me the Executive Chef. He offered me a 3k raise. I quit the same day. Not so much because I was offended, although I was. But moreso because I know what I'm capable of and I know what I'm worth. If this guy doesn't value me enough to pay me a decent wage that will allow me to buy a house and afford the mortgage and pay my bills and not have to get on welfare or food stamps… well then he can kiss my ass.

He's the kind of guy to show up in a Tesla, one of the three he owns, and look down his nose at us while straightening his Rolex watch. Then he'll be like, “Why do you drive a piece of shit car? You should go buy a new one.”

The guy tried to stiff me for almost $400 of PSL. I've caught him trying to skim before and his checks have bounced also. So I always count my money and hours. I don't trust him. I told him I can call the labor commissioner or he can pay up. He paid up right away.

I took my son (14) with me to pick up my final pay. The owner was being all snarky. I told him “How do you expect me to work as an EC and get paid like a dishwasher? You don't value my input. You said you don't 'listen to employees'. That's fine cuz I'm not your employee anymore so you can take it or leave it. You're in the death throes of this failing business. There's nothing you can do about it. You have a bad reputation. You pay shit. Your manager is an asshole to the customers and the menu sucks. You don't take any advice from the people who are here everyday because you think you know better and we're all idiots. So good luck throwing good money after bad but I'm gonna go grow some weed. But I'm willing to make a professional bet with you that I'll clear more unencumbered profit by the end of the year than you will.”

His great comeback, “Hopefully you can buy a better truck.”

“I own my truck, the bank owns your Tesla. I use my truck for farm work. Yours is to show off. I'll own my own ranch before you own that Tesla.”

I really wish I had my camera handy cuz the look on his face during this exchange was very satisfying. My son was busting up laughing. He was like that was the funniest professional roast I've ever seen. I said more but I'm paraphrasing a bit here. But it felt real good to tell him to fuck off I have something better lined up and for him to know it was true. I'll easily make double maybe even triple what I made with him. I love weed.

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