
Quit or force termination?

This is Tennessee a manufacturing company all of a sudden a couple years ago I began to get right UPS stupid stuff like I got written up for my temperature during covid and I didn't stay out enough time although I was the one that organized that policy and everything else and I got a write up the other day it's one of those final write-ups give me 30 days and 45 days for reevaluation and has some things on there it has some specific things that they can measure but has other things on there like not organized and I'm my responsibility one of my responsibility is to get supplies in and our supply vendor is like 4 weeks late since the wrong thing continually and so anybody would be an unorganized so. Here's the important stuff I'm 66 and 4 months I just begun drawing Social Security I…

This is Tennessee a manufacturing company all of a sudden a couple years ago I began to get right UPS stupid stuff like I got written up for my temperature during covid and I didn't stay out enough time although I was the one that organized that policy and everything else and I got a write up the other day it's one of those final write-ups give me 30 days and 45 days for reevaluation and has some things on there it has some specific things that they can measure but has other things on there like not organized and I'm my responsibility one of my responsibility is to get supplies in and our supply vendor is like 4 weeks late since the wrong thing continually and so anybody would be an unorganized so.

Here's the important stuff I'm 66 and 4 months I just begun drawing Social Security I want to work another year or year and a half and collect Social Security at the same time. They got some vacations coming up and my boss their vacation is the week before mine and I'm being told I might have to come in and work extra hours to make up for that and we pretty much are pretty informal about stuff like that if we've got a doctor's appointment we just go and it's a salary position non-exempt and so that's how we do it but now I'm being told I have to come in and work extra hours while that person's on vacation they just terminated one of their one of the the person that was supposed to fill in so you know that what happens is that you know their lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on mine. My question is should I try to insist that I don't come in for those extra hours or or what when I was hired 5 years ago my letter of of offer said that my hours were from 6:00 to 2:30 and then the plant started running it starting up at 5:00 so I came in at 5:00 and of course what did that do that raise the bar for me it's just what became expected no attaboy's no nothing so I'm not interested in giving them any antibodies and I'm not going to I'm not interested in came in and working for free since I don't get any overtime or any compensation at all during this time please advise

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