
Quit quitting

AS if there are not already enough reasons to hate cooperations, and to want to quit working for one, they are now trying to push this narrative of quit quittung and hoqw it is a huge problwem and creates huge damages to the economy The definition goes a bit like this : the practice of doing no more work than one is contractually obliged to do, esp in order to spend more time on personal activities and/or have a better work life balance. Basically companies are complaining that someone is just doing their job and fulfilling all his obligations, and not doing extra hours, extra projects, taking over someone elses responsibilities or part there of, since that person was fired, quit or whatever, without any extra money for doing that. At best you get a vague promise they wil review it in a year and then might give you a…

AS if there are not already enough reasons to hate cooperations, and to want to quit working
for one, they are now trying to push this narrative of quit quittung and hoqw it is a huge problwem and creates huge damages to the economy The definition goes a bit like this : the practice of doing no more work than one is contractually obliged to do, esp in order to spend more time on personal activities and/or have a better work life balance.

Basically companies are complaining that someone is just doing their job and fulfilling all his obligations, and not doing extra hours, extra projects, taking over someone elses responsibilities or part there of, since that person was fired, quit or whatever, without any extra money for doing that. At best you get a vague promise they wil review it in a year and then might give you a raise or promotion. Of course when that time comes the company suddenly “cannot afford” it. Lemme get this straight, so you did not have to rehire someone for that position, since me and a coilleague took over everything he did, leading to a lot of extra hours with no extra pay. That dude was paid 100k a year, so we saved you at least 150k a year (jobs cost a lot more then just the salare there is a lot of overhead costs), yet you “cannot afford” to give us both a raise of 25k a year, which still nets you at least 100k a year ? Companies fell so entitled to take advantage of you, that they say it is a huge epidemic and would do a damage of 180 billion dollars a year .

Imagine you would go to your bosses and tell them look, I want a 50% raise, and if you give it to me right now in a year from now I will review the raise , and if I am happy with it, i might take on some extra work. But I canĀ“t make a promise. It all depends on how much your raise is doing for me. Now the 50% is just the minimum I nexpect from you ghuys, but iuf you show innjitiative and give me even more, your chnaces I mighht take on extrta work arhe defginiotely going up. So give me the most you can.

They would laugh at you. They would call you crazy and/or entitled. But when it is the other way around they fully expect you to be ok with it. This is an unreal sesne of entitlement There is no such thing as quit quitting, Let us call it what it is, you no longer allow the company to take advantage of you, by demanding you do extra work, that is not part of your contract, for no reward. If they want extra work, you want extra money, and not a vague promise you might get it in a year, that will almost never get fulfilled. Extra work starts now so extra money should start now too.

Those 180 billion “damage” is in reality the amount they expect to take advantage of their workers. There is no damage, there is only less free profit by taking advantage of people, since they no longer allow you to take advantage of them. Yet they wonder why subs like this exist and call us entitled. THE IRONY !!! The projection here is off the charts

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