
Quit your job and build a homestead?

I’m curious if anybody here would seriously consider leaving the cities and working on becoming more self sufficient, learning practical skills, to live a sustainable homestead lifestyle, and building small communities with other like minded people? I realize this is unrealistic for many people that have immediate obligations and families to feed. But what about the rest of us? The younger generation that have the opportunity to escape wage slavery and are waking up to the reality of where things are headed with increasingly unsustainable cost of living, It won’t be easy and will take a lot work and manual labor, but you would be working for your own future and not slaving away for the greed system.. I’m sure we all know someone or have a family member that works in a skilled trade, go learn from them! offer up your time and work in exchange for learning a…

I’m curious if anybody here would seriously consider leaving the cities and working on becoming more self sufficient, learning practical skills, to live a sustainable homestead lifestyle, and building small communities with other like minded people?

I realize this is unrealistic for many people that have immediate obligations and families to feed. But what about the rest of us? The younger generation that have the opportunity to escape wage slavery and are waking up to the reality of where things are headed with increasingly unsustainable cost of living, It won’t be easy and will take a lot work and manual labor, but you would be working for your own future and not slaving away for the greed system.. I’m sure we all know someone or have a family member that works in a skilled trade, go learn from them! offer up your time and work in exchange for learning a valuable skill.. or are we anti work in that regard as well?

I suspect people will get into the technicalities , and how buying land is expensive etc etc.. why not just fucking take it! squat on “government owned” land and just start building they can’t stop us all if we do it collectively, I feel an imminent economic and potentially societal collapse coming and we are not prepared for it.

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