
Quiting a toxic working environment

Not un USA by the way… Have bosses that demands me to do extra “favors”. I was so pissed I didn't want to talk to any of them, I sent my resignation letter by WhatsApp. my coworker said it was unprofessional and that I should give it to them physical, and talk to them in person, but I really don't want to talk to them since in the past it didn't end well when I tried to give explanations. With normal people I would talk to them, I wouldn't even quit to be honest. But in this case, I don't even talk to them ( just essential stuff, but other than that I ignore their presence, shut the phone when they start with their rant etc.). The job is not hard but their attitude towards their failure is to blame me, when they don't even have structure, pretend to be…

Not un USA by the way…

Have bosses that demands me to do extra “favors”. I was so pissed I didn't want to talk to any of them, I sent my resignation letter by WhatsApp. my coworker said it was unprofessional and that I should give it to them physical, and talk to them in person, but I really don't want to talk to them since in the past it didn't end well when I tried to give explanations.

With normal people I would talk to them, I wouldn't even quit to be honest. But in this case, I don't even talk to them ( just essential stuff, but other than that I ignore their presence, shut the phone when they start with their rant etc.).

The job is not hard but their attitude towards their failure is to blame me, when they don't even have structure, pretend to be tech savy but only know how to use WhatsApp, and want to believe they know it all, and my suggestions are seen as challenges. They want an elite but they don't want to pay for that.

My initial motivation is 6 f under and I someday I just wanted to pick my stuff and leave.

I don't understand why I do have to be professional and pretend everything is fine, when people treat you like trash.

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