
Quitting after a month.

When I applied to get a job as a dementia care giver I didn’t expect it to be so unrewarding, tiring, and honestly awful. In the span of a month and a half I’ve not only been attacked like four times by residents ((the first guy was maybe 50-60 and had quite some strength so it was very scary)) I’ve ruined my social life and mental health because of long night shifts back to back, and it’s just gotten worse. Morning shift has called me an idiot, stupid, and even slurs. My manager simply said that “some people get offended by that word and then some don’t” and it was left at that. I get 19 an hour, which in my area is the same pay as pandas express. I admit the pay is better then what I was getting before but I work alone at night, I have 12…

When I applied to get a job as a dementia care giver I didn’t expect it to be so unrewarding, tiring, and honestly awful. In the span of a month and a half I’ve not only been attacked like four times by residents ((the first guy was maybe 50-60 and had quite some strength so it was very scary)) I’ve ruined my social life and mental health because of long night shifts back to back, and it’s just gotten worse. Morning shift has called me an idiot, stupid, and even slurs. My manager simply said that “some people get offended by that word and then some don’t” and it was left at that.

I get 19 an hour, which in my area is the same pay as pandas express. I admit the pay is better then what I was getting before but I work alone at night, I have 12 residents and half of them need to be changed or taken to the bathroom every two hours. It’s hell. It’s literal shit I deal with every day. And even when I get everyone up dressed and good and clean at 4-5 am it still isn’t enough. I am expected to stay past my scheduled hours ((usually anywhere between 30-1hr if morning shift decides to even show up on time))

I planned to work until my check ((so I get my 30 day bonus)) but after being yelled at once again by what used to be my sweetest resident idk if it’s worth it. I’m exhausted. I have no life outside of work because I sleep all day. I hate this job.

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