
Quitting can help still working employees

Recently a fellow coworker quit, some context recently the corporate overlords enforced a new system upon our fair supervisors to set daily goals which were draining all satisfaction from the work. They were specifically designed to each person for example if I do 150 units a day they would set the goal to 160 and if I hit 160 consistently they would set it to 170, all for the same pay. I’m not sure what was said when my co worker quit or why he quit but since he left the goals have become much more reasonable, and the push to achieve them has been relaxed. I honestly believe that quitting is what made them realize to not put pressure on employees. In conclusion quitting a bad situation to find something better can sometimes also help those still in that situation.

Recently a fellow coworker quit, some context recently the corporate overlords enforced a new system upon our fair supervisors to set daily goals which were draining all satisfaction from the work. They were specifically designed to each person for example if I do 150 units a day they would set the goal to 160 and if I hit 160 consistently they would set it to 170, all for the same pay. I’m not sure what was said when my co worker quit or why he quit but since he left the goals have become much more reasonable, and the push to achieve them has been relaxed. I honestly believe that quitting is what made them realize to not put pressure on employees. In conclusion quitting a bad situation to find something better can sometimes also help those still in that situation.

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