I have been working at a toxic workplace for 8 months. The company is owned by a really toxic micromanaging narcissist. There are daily meetings where every one goes over what they're doing. They recently implemented un-inclusive new sick day policies. The owner has humiliated me in meetings to scream at me that I was doing a bad job, after I took on 2 extra jobs when people quit.
I am so happy to say that I think I am getting a job offer today!!!!!!! At a really cool place where every one seems nice and supportive.
I would have quit without notice because my reference is my former supervisor at this job who quit. But my family told me it could come back to haunt me if a future job or background check calls the company directly to see if I worked there and they are told that I quit without notice. Is this accurate?
Also, I would feel guilty leaving my new supervisor with all of the workload. My family said to give notice, then call out sick and say I can't work. Doesn't seem to make a difference to me lol. What are every one's thoughts?