
Quitting Story

I like you all and thought you’d enjoy this old story of mine. I used to work at a Dominoes. The owner was a dick. He expected you to drop everything and come in for a shift. He’d keep you late, instead of first in first out he’d have the 5:00pm person leave at like 8pm and keep the 4pm person till 11pm and you never knew when. It was good money and chill though. I liked who I worked with and I could be stoned. The main issue was he’d count your money pouch and if it was short he’d collect. I just sort of rounded up when taking my tip from each delivery (sometimes rounded down, but I came out ahead. like if the bill was $17.25 and they gave me a twenty I’d take three dollars from the pouch). He never pulled it on me, but did…

I like you all and thought you’d enjoy this old story of mine. I used to work at a Dominoes. The owner was a dick. He expected you to drop everything and come in for a shift. He’d keep you late, instead of first in first out he’d have the 5:00pm person leave at like 8pm and keep the 4pm person till 11pm and you never knew when. It was good money and chill though. I liked who I worked with and I could be stoned. The main issue was he’d count your money pouch and if it was short he’d collect. I just sort of rounded up when taking my tip from each delivery (sometimes rounded down, but I came out ahead. like if the bill was $17.25 and they gave me a twenty I’d take three dollars from the pouch). He never pulled it on me, but did to my coworkers who actually counted change and kept track. After a year or so he eventually tried it with me. Said I owed him 8 dollars. We agreed I’d give him the 8 dollars but got to take an XL pizza home. It pissed me off though. I waited 5 days until football Sunday when I was the only day driver from 10am until more people came at 4pm. Sundays were always too busy for one guy but that’s what he staffed and I liked the tips and being out on delivery the entire time. This time though I waited till 11:30am. It was just him at the store cooking and me driving. It started to get busy, like 4 deliveries to take. Took those four deliveries out to my car, took off my rooftop dominoes sign, left and never went back.

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