
Quitting with Nothing Lined Up. I’m Finally Doing It!

My job has been going downhill for the last several months. People are quitting left and right, and management just dumps their work on top of us. I’m supposed to be taking over my coworker’s job with significantly more responsibility in two weeks while also covering mine. I was also supposed to be promoted three months ago, but it didn’t happen because of a spending freeze. I’ve been going back and forth on whether or not I should quit for my own sanity. I’ve always been told it is irresponsible to do so without something else lined up. Tomorrow, I’m taking the leap! I have enough saved to cover a few months unemployed. It may be not be the “right” way, but I have hit my breaking point. This job is not my problem anymore.

My job has been going downhill for the last several months. People are quitting left and right, and management just dumps their work on top of us. I’m supposed to be taking over my coworker’s job with significantly more responsibility in two weeks while also covering mine. I was also supposed to be promoted three months ago, but it didn’t happen because of a spending freeze. I’ve been going back and forth on whether or not I should quit for my own sanity. I’ve always been told it is irresponsible to do so without something else lined up. Tomorrow, I’m taking the leap! I have enough saved to cover a few months unemployed. It may be not be the “right” way, but I have hit my breaking point. This job is not my problem anymore.

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