
Quitting without Notice

For context, I work at a pizza/catering place with an owner that's an asshat. He steals prepaid tips from our catering drivers, slashes their delivery fee from what he promised them, and also once told one of the cashiers that she is a big girl and should know better when she asked a question. A couple of months ago, my manager who is one of the most down to earth people who always made sure we got our wages and told off the owner when he was doing something sneaky, decided to move on. The owner thought he was bluffing, and didn't bother to find someone until two weeks before my manager is leaving. That didn't work out, so the week before my manager, the owner calls me in. He says he'll bump me up an additional dollar and give me an extra 100 dollars a week to close up…

For context, I work at a pizza/catering place with an owner that's an asshat. He steals prepaid tips from our catering drivers, slashes their delivery fee from what he promised them, and also once told one of the cashiers that she is a big girl and should know better when she asked a question.

A couple of months ago, my manager who is one of the most down to earth people who always made sure we got our wages and told off the owner when he was doing something sneaky, decided to move on. The owner thought he was bluffing, and didn't bother to find someone until two weeks before my manager is leaving. That didn't work out, so the week before my manager, the owner calls me in. He says he'll bump me up an additional dollar and give me an extra 100 dollars a week to close up and put in catering orders until he finds a new manager. I know that this means that I'll essentially be a fill in manager for literally less than 15 dollars a week. I refuse and tell him I'm not interested. He tells me there's no one else so it has to be me. I keep refusing but he keeps on the “you're the only one and that this mandatory”. I give up and tell him I really do not want this offer and he says thank you for helping out.

So I decided to quit today without notice since he didn't give me much of a choice. Blocked his number and the store number and the emails. I'm not working for a guy who can't take a no.

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