
R/Devilcorp (I’m sure most of you have heard of it)

Howdy all! First time posting here, just wanted to inform everyone about Devilcorps if you haven't heard of them. Check out the sub at r/devilcorp for experiences and office names. So, these offices are generally small and spacey furnished but act as the branch offices for pyramid schemes or act as they're own pyramid scheme. Much of the time they emphasize leadership skills, salesman skills, or entrepreneurial skills during the interviews and try very hard to emphasis the “opportunity” or whatever they want to call it. Odds are you've all likely encountered them at krogers, walmart, costco, or possibly even at gas stations. They typically have a table and banner setup, ipad/some kind of card reader, and will approach saying things like “just a second” or “a moment of your time”. They can be doing anything from internet sales to charity, but typically take roughly 60% plus of the profits…

Howdy all! First time posting here, just wanted to inform everyone about Devilcorps if you haven't heard of them. Check out the sub at r/devilcorp for experiences and office names.

So, these offices are generally small and spacey furnished but act as the branch offices for pyramid schemes or act as they're own pyramid scheme. Much of the time they emphasize leadership skills, salesman skills, or entrepreneurial skills during the interviews and try very hard to emphasis the “opportunity” or whatever they want to call it. Odds are you've all likely encountered them at krogers, walmart, costco, or possibly even at gas stations. They typically have a table and banner setup, ipad/some kind of card reader, and will approach saying things like “just a second” or “a moment of your time”. They can be doing anything from internet sales to charity, but typically take roughly 60% plus of the profits of any money given to them and send pennies to whatever group hires them.

If you know of any of these offices, worked for one, or encountered one and know the name then please do a post here at r/devilcorp and warn hundreds of others against them.

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