
Rail Workers Union Representation

Unions are heavily flawed I've heard stories now for many years of the underhanded methods of unions but never so public and never so corrupt that it bleeds into the very president who promotes the Union and unionization. Maybe we ought to take a better look at structures of unions and how they have become too centralized and come up with a new plan for unions. Maybe unions should be ran by the people that pay into them rather than having an entity aside from the workers that handle things. What this allows for is corruption. It is obvious by the statement that these union reps don't have what it takes to represent the union. When you make a statement to the effect: Well we need to be pragmatic about our deal they are not going to allow us to have days off, sick days, and so forth so we…

Unions are heavily flawed I've heard stories now for many years of the underhanded methods of unions but never so public and never so corrupt that it bleeds into the very president who promotes the Union and unionization.

Maybe we ought to take a better look at structures of unions and how they have become too centralized and come up with a new plan for unions. Maybe unions should be ran by the people that pay into them rather than having an entity aside from the workers that handle things. What this allows for is corruption. It is obvious by the statement that these union reps don't have what it takes to represent the union.

When you make a statement to the effect: Well we need to be pragmatic about our deal they are not going to allow us to have days off, sick days, and so forth so we should take what we can get more of that paper that keeps losing its value continually. The very mouthpiece of unions Biden has forced you out of a strike. This is a HUGE RED FLAG! There is corruption not only within the railworkers union but above and beyond that.

Oddly, other countries have tried this with unions in a lame brained attempt to force unions into not striking you know what they did they did what every Union should do despite the government and their heavy hand they went to bat stuck their neck out do or die it didn't matter if they were working on the railway or not there is something to fight for and we are going to do it despite what the government tries to push. Remember the government is paid for by our hard working tax dollars and we should hold them accountable not the other way around. The people in other countries actually recently this happened in Canada you know what they did they went on strike anyways despite what the government says! THIS IS WHAT MUST BE DONE!

Illegal or not ordinance must be violated to obtain a new sense of what is ordinary!

Unions and Reps have no shame these days and its been like this for years. I've heard mumblings of stuff locally that went on with unions and reps of unions and how the reps were getting paid off etc… Turns out the rep of one family mysteriously had a bunch of bad shit happen to him and his family corruption consumed them they are in prison doing life sentences I say this as a lesson to all of the corrupt union members doing underhanded things there is a force an unseen force that will also haunt and taunt you be afraid this force is real it it is coming for you and there is nothing stopping it.

Corruption protection from the following things must be made possible.

Stoppage of meetings of employers or employers henchmen outside of work. Maybe this will be done with an anti corruption taskforce that operates outside of the union that gets a sizeable bonus for uncovering any corruption schemes. Union reps should be required by law to forfeit any sort of privacy and at any time they can be legally be recorded via video, phone or otherwise only by the pro union task force so as to not let any plans of the union be uncovered or telegraphed to the employer.

Anti corruption punishment should be strict maybe something like this would invoke proper change:

If an employer is caught in any outside dealings with the union reps, employees or otherwise by law they should be required to step down for a period of no less than 3 years and be required to work those years under the same rules, pay, and have their accounts and assets seized for this period.

The person that exposes this dealing should be paid any amount that was agreed to be paid illegally by the employer from his or her own personal holdings along with a bonus from the union to be determined by the union for exposing the corruption.

During this period they should be also required to work a position that is voted upon by the union members the workers that make up the union of no less than 3 years and follow the rules and wages afforded to the employee. If at any time the rules of his position are violated the employer must change the rules to reflect the change needed to rectify his violation company wide. All assets of the employer in violations should be seized for this 3 year period and any attempt to access credit lines should also be limited. If the employer should choose to quit stake in the company will be given to the employees as a shared stake. And all personal assets will be returned to the employer at which time the employer will be barred from starting a business for a period not less than 10 years.

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