
Rant about my uncles landlord.

So my wife’s uncle has terminal cancer. He’s been struggling with chemo and treatment and missed a payment for his rental. His landlord had the audacity to evict him for missing one payment! The man is terminally ill and being evicted at the same time. How can this be America where it’s bad enough health care is unaffordable but also you have to deal with landlords who only care about money! So now somehow he has to pay for moving costs too. Sorry for the rant I’m just fuming right now.

So my wife’s uncle has terminal cancer. He’s been struggling with chemo and treatment and missed a payment for his rental. His landlord had the audacity to evict him for missing one payment! The man is terminally ill and being evicted at the same time. How can this be America where it’s bad enough health care is unaffordable but also you have to deal with landlords who only care about money! So now somehow he has to pay for moving costs too. Sorry for the rant I’m just fuming right now.

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