
Rant about obnoxious and demanding co workers

I have a co-worker on my team who has made travel her entire personality. When I started everyone introduced her and said “she’s our traveler”. She has been with the company a long time so she has a lot of PTO and takes usually 3-4 two week long vacations every year Everyone acts like she’s the only person to ever travel and like seeing pictures of her trips is worth us having to cover her desk for two weeks at a time. Also everyone gives her priority on her time off except this year I beat her to request one of her preferred weeks and she bitched to everyone. So now everyone on the team is wanting to know why I’m taking time off and what could possibly be more important than this lady taking her trip to Japan. Actually I’m just gonna lounge at home but that’s none of…

I have a co-worker on my team who has made travel her entire personality. When I started everyone introduced her and said “she’s our traveler”. She has been with the company a long time so she has a lot of PTO and takes usually 3-4 two week long vacations every year

Everyone acts like she’s the only person to ever travel and like seeing pictures of her trips is worth us having to cover her desk for two weeks at a time. Also everyone gives her priority on her time off except this year I beat her to request one of her preferred weeks and she bitched to everyone. So now everyone on the team is wanting to know why I’m taking time off and what could possibly be more important than this lady taking her trip to Japan.

Actually I’m just gonna lounge at home but that’s none of their business and I’m not moving my PTO around.

She travels with some tour group so her dates are not flexible and only one person can be out at a time but that’s not my problem. Everyone is acting like it’s a tragedy and I’m sick of it.

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