
Rant about Working at subway in Australia

Just for context I worked casually at a subway near the beginning of this year, I am 20 and was in uni at this point. I also do not have any screenshots of these conversations as it was almost a year ago and I've got a new phone now. I knew somewhat what I was walking into because my interview consisted of me walking in the store and the manager asking if I could start the following Monday. I asked about if they had a rostering app and he said “yeah we're getting that sorted but for now we just use a calendar”. I'm not one to complain about the actual work but it wasn't great, they made me do all the gross shit that no one wanted to do. Their store would definitely fail a health check btw, I found several dead rats around the store. A lot of…

Just for context I worked casually at a subway near the beginning of this year, I am 20 and was in uni at this point. I also do not have any screenshots of these conversations as it was almost a year ago and I've got a new phone now.

I knew somewhat what I was walking into because my interview consisted of me walking in the store and the manager asking if I could start the following Monday. I asked about if they had a rostering app and he said “yeah we're getting that sorted but for now we just use a calendar”.

I'm not one to complain about the actual work but it wasn't great, they made me do all the gross shit that no one wanted to do. Their store would definitely fail a health check btw, I found several dead rats around the store.

A lot of the issues I had were with the primary manager who was the one who hired me but didn't seem to have any respect for any coworkers. He used to constantly complain that people kept quitting (I only met like 3 other workers during my 2 months there and 2 of them quit). Now this manager would text me my shifts at the beginning of every week, 5 out of the 8 weeks he forgot to text me so I thought I wasn't working but instead he would call me about an hour before the shift and tell me to come in.

He did this every week, even weeks where he gave me shifts. Some days I would work and he would ask if I could do the next day and I would say I could then at like 10pm he would text and say he didn't need me so I would make plans with friends and then he would.text me while I'm out with friends ask me to come in (I never did).

Probably the worst thing he did (and I hate that I kept working for like a month after this) was about 3 weeks into me working there my grandpa got sick and I had to go spend the day at his house. I texted my boss 2 days before my shift and told him gave him full reason and everything and his response was “I'll cancel your morning shift but I need you for lunch and dinner”. Things ended up working out as one of my grandpa's friends came to take care of him and j went to work. When I got there my boss complained for like 30 minutes about how busy it was without me .

My final straw was that 7 weeks in a row he forgot to pay me on time, I had to text him the day after every pay day and ask him to pay me. If I didn't ask he would pay me on a Sunday (payday was Tuesday in the store handbook). He also underpaid me like 3 times, he owes me about $150 but I'm not bothered to make contact.

After two months I went and got another job and basically just sent him a text saying hey your a shit manager and I understand why people keep quitting good luck with everything

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