
[rant] HR being run by clueless monkeys

This is in EU, I am part of the 2 million cross-border workforce that reside in one country, works in another. As if being screwed over from homeoffice wouldn't be enough, I have to constantly deal with requests and issues with our HR, that are for the most part, completely clueless when taken out of their element. Last year, I was sick and had to take sick-leave, probably first time in the last 5 years. I know my rights and I have a general practitioner in my country of residence covered in full, meaning that the paperwork etc. I receive is in a different language/system than those of the country I work and am primarily insured at, but it works. The second I knew I was sick I informed my boss and HR, submitting the paperwork I got from the Dr, specifically asking if its ok and if they need…

This is in EU, I am part of the 2 million cross-border workforce that reside in one country, works in another. As if being screwed over from homeoffice wouldn't be enough, I have to constantly deal with requests and issues with our HR, that are for the most part, completely clueless when taken out of their element.

Last year, I was sick and had to take sick-leave, probably first time in the last 5 years. I know my rights and I have a general practitioner in my country of residence covered in full, meaning that the paperwork etc. I receive is in a different language/system than those of the country I work and am primarily insured at, but it works.

The second I knew I was sick I informed my boss and HR, submitting the paperwork I got from the Dr, specifically asking if its ok and if they need anything else. 3 days no response.

On the 4th days, these bonobos said “oh, sorry Mr. you actually need the sick-leave from a Dr. from the country I work at, the paperwork I submitted isn't valid”

As if finding a Dr now and asking to retroactively write me off work is an option lol.

Nevertheless, I knew this is likely BS, I called the insurance company in the country I work at and explained the situation, immediately confirming I did all good, all I need to do is send the Dr. notes – not even translated to an email address and they will register the sick leave, no issue.

I properly chewed the HR down and told them what I was told from the insurance company, but I am so mad that these clowns have no issue providing such false info out , completely unhinged and wondering how many less informed people got screwed over by them.

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