
Rant incoming: ‘Requesting’ time off is a disgusting capitalist boomer hangover that needs to stop being normalized.

I feel like I am in the significant minority on this one sometimes. Everyone around me is brainwashed by the toxic work culture mindset of non-stop productivity and presenteeism. I have always found it weird to request time off for any reason. Often times it's stuff that we can't do anything about anyway so why are we requesting it? We're not indentured servants, forced to pay off a debt. Employment is optional to start or finish, but rarely to take a break during. Why?!!? please bossman, pretty please can I have a tiny amount of my own life back so I can fix my root canal/once-a-decade vacation/scratch my ass at home because that's my business?? NO Fine, I'll take my entire lunch, both 15 minute breaks, extended bathroom 'breaks', and the last 3 hours of the day to browse Reddit while sitting at my desk at work, and every time…

I feel like I am in the significant minority on this one sometimes. Everyone around me is brainwashed by the toxic work culture mindset of non-stop productivity and presenteeism.

I have always found it weird to request time off for any reason. Often times it's stuff that we can't do anything about anyway so why are we requesting it?

We're not indentured servants, forced to pay off a debt.

Employment is optional to start or finish, but rarely to take a break during. Why?!!?

please bossman, pretty please can I have a tiny amount of my own life back so I can fix my root canal/once-a-decade vacation/scratch my ass at home because that's my business??


Fine, I'll take my entire lunch, both 15 minute breaks, extended bathroom 'breaks', and the last 3 hours of the day to browse Reddit while sitting at my desk at work, and every time a co-worker goes for a smoke/fresh air break. So long as that chair has my ass keeping it warm.

I just let me boss know that my kid doesn't feel safe at her day home because a staff member raises her voice some times to get and it scares the shit out of her. I have to work from home for a few days until my in-laws come back home from a trip so they can be there for her.

What does the boss say? “Luckily enough, we have two entry-level people starting immediately so we wont be short staffed. Approved”

Excuse me? I didn't ask for permission, mommy. I informed you. I could have just called in sick on the day and you wouldn't even have me working from home. If you said no, what am I supposed to do exactly? Bring her in? Leave her at home with a gallon of Goldfish and the remote for YouTube?

Of course I have to thank them, too, because I am still within this other bs thing called a 'probationary period'. This is a period of 3 months, usually, where I show I am a good enough employee that I get to keep the job, even though they can decide to take it away anyway, and have to request my own time back. Surely feels worth it to be on your best behavior, eh? I feel like this only makes their life slightly easier for 3 months and benefits us in 0 ways.

Or am I an avocado-toast-munching late millennial that needs to be less entitled to his own fucking time?

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