

I work in finance as a stock analyst. I went into this career for only one reason. Money. I sacrificed my friends, family, relationships and my identity for the sake of a dollar and it's left me empty. Thankfully COVID isolation broke me before I was to far gone and made me realize I'm not living. I'm tired of being around inflated egos. I always looked at the rich wall st guys thinking I wanted to he them until I realized who they really are. Most of them are drunks, work constantly, broken homes or hate their spouse. They're arrogant and weak and can't fathom living in a world where they have to lift a finger to do something physical. I hear them on a daily basis talk about lower income or even middle class people as if they are cattle or stupid. A few months ago I heard a…

I work in finance as a stock analyst. I went into this career for only one reason. Money. I sacrificed my friends, family, relationships and my identity for the sake of a dollar and it's left me empty. Thankfully COVID isolation broke me before I was to far gone and made me realize I'm not living. I'm tired of being around inflated egos. I always looked at the rich wall st guys thinking I wanted to he them until I realized who they really are. Most of them are drunks, work constantly, broken homes or hate their spouse. They're arrogant and weak and can't fathom living in a world where they have to lift a finger to do something physical. I hear them on a daily basis talk about lower income or even middle class people as if they are cattle or stupid. A few months ago I heard a co worker talk badly about administrative assistant as if the title alone signified that she was stupid. This lady is such a nice woman and always a pleasure to talk too and has a kind heart. It was then I realized I'm in the wrong field. I tried to be a heartless finance bro who will do anything for a dollar…but then I realized I'm more happy being a human being. I started taking things personally when I realised I was one of the “commoners” they are always talking about. that is my background and where I'm from. I spent years trying to blend in and be someone I'm not and it made me fucking miserable. Now I'm working on becoming debt free, exploring things that bring me joy and enjoying more time with my family. Although I'm still stuck in finance I know I will be out of it in a few years.

Everything everyone says about finance bros is true. They are pampered upper middle class men who think shifting numbers around in an excel sheet is saving the world. They are the least interesting people to have a conversation with and they're view of life in general is pathetic. I have more respect for the people who clean our bathrooms than the people I work with. Fuck all of them.

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