
Re-classification…no no it was just a request.

Hmmm I am so pissed right now. My supervisor gave me a shit review all because he thinks I should do more his job since I've been with the company the longest and he's in a different city (different branch but manages both form same province). Said I do my job very well but I should take on more of leadership role hence my “need improvement” review. That was in January. Of course, I did not take this very well after giving my all for years even when I was the only one staffed at my location multiple times due to different reasons (coworker was a thief so got fired, covid. extended fake medical leave). I have been on call for over 6 years 24/7. Always got exceed expectations on my review and the supervisor have only been here 3 times in the 13 years I've been here. I take…

Hmmm I am so pissed right now. My supervisor gave me a shit review all because he thinks I should do more his job since I've been with the company the longest and he's in a different city (different branch but manages both form same province). Said I do my job very well but I should take on more of leadership role hence my “need improvement” review.

That was in January. Of course, I did not take this very well after giving my all for years even when I was the only one staffed at my location multiple times due to different reasons (coworker was a thief so got fired, covid. extended fake medical leave). I have been on call for over 6 years 24/7. Always got exceed expectations on my review and the supervisor have only been here 3 times in the 13 years I've been here. I take on multiple roles even if I'm legit only hired for one. So yea, I was beyond pissed.

Was advised that yea he shouldn't have given me a bad review and that they advised him during Xmas break that he had only a few days to finish the review so he rushed it and without thinking, since he put that he wanted me to take on more leadership roles, that it would automatically give me a less than desirable final score and if he could re-do it, he would cause he agrees I shouldn't have gotten that negative review (because his boss saw my review and was pretty upset about it). He advised me by email (cause I've learned to always get things in writing) ” I also approved you to be reclassed to CSR-A from CSR-B “

So that was months ago. I inquire about it today and was advised by Teams that it wasn't a re-class but thought everyone was just getting a bump up. I was floored so I go fishing up the original email and tell him that I must have misunderstood the email cause it clearly says that I was approved for re-classification.

He comes back with ” That's the joys of working for a large corporate company, sometimes what i think is ok or i want to do, doesn't always end up being the final word”

FFS they are making it hard to keep wanting to come in in the mornings.

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