
RE: should I report my coworker to HR for showing me his NSFW photography?

Original post here I reported my coworker to HR the following morning with a detailed complaint via email. I had some talks with my supervisor and HR, and I’ve been working from home during the investigation. I just spoke with HR, and my fears were confirmed true. I’ll still have to work with him in the office and his slap on the wrist is to take sexual harassment training again. The one scrap they gave me was moving his desk so instead of being directly behind me, he’s 30 feet away in a different cube. I’m furious and I’m sad. I don’t feel like the company is respecting me at all and instead protecting him. They keep making excuses for him (ie: “it wasn’t malicious”). All they cared about was if I would allow him to apologize to me. I know he’s not sorry to me, but just sorry for…

Original post here

I reported my coworker to HR the following morning with a detailed complaint via email. I had some talks with my supervisor and HR, and I’ve been working from home during the investigation. I just spoke with HR, and my fears were confirmed true. I’ll still have to work with him in the office and his slap on the wrist is to take sexual harassment training again. The one scrap they gave me was moving his desk so instead of being directly behind me, he’s 30 feet away in a different cube.

I’m furious and I’m sad. I don’t feel like the company is respecting me at all and instead protecting him. They keep making excuses for him (ie: “it wasn’t malicious”). All they cared about was if I would allow him to apologize to me. I know he’s not sorry to me, but just sorry for himself (another coworker told me about how angry he was about me while I’ve been gone). I’m sick at the thought of being face to face with him again. He’s so creepy and makes me very uncomfortable. I told HR I would never feel safe working with him and they just don’t care. I have a 1:1 meeting with my supervisor tomorrow and I plan on telling him how I feel. And they can force me to work with him, but they can’t stop me from telling everyone in that office what happened.

I’m still considering my options for moving forward. I don’t see myself staying at this company much longer.

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