
Realizing my boss never did care for me

So I’ve been working for my company for a year now and I’ve known my boss a little longer. I thought we were cool but I get sick a good amount and always offer to show my doc note they never want to see it. Now I call off last week and get meds and a doc note and let her know what’s going on offer the doc not through text no response she also ignored me the day before when I called off when the symptoms started. Now last night I went to the hospital because it was just getting worse I get fluids in me. My blood drawn tests done I’m there until 3 am. So I text once I’m home hey sorry I went to the doc I have this he told me to rest till Friday I say I have the note. Today I wake up…

So I’ve been working for my company for a year now and I’ve known my boss a little longer. I thought we were cool but I get sick a good amount and always offer to show my doc note they never want to see it. Now I call off last week and get meds and a doc note and let her know what’s going on offer the doc not through text no response she also ignored me the day before when I called off when the symptoms started. Now last night I went to the hospital because it was just getting worse I get fluids in me. My blood drawn tests done I’m there until 3 am. So I text once I’m home hey sorry I went to the doc I have this he told me to rest till Friday I say I have the note. Today I wake up she only says “send me the note” and my work app has the bigger boss talking about we had last minute call offs today and we all need to know our responsibilities. I feel extremely upset because I took over one of there stores and cleaned it up with my crew we made the store what they wanted it and keep it clean but now that I’m not feeling good to the point of a hospital visit it’s idk my responsibilities which is something the bigger boss said in her message we need to know our responsibilities. I know them I have all my doc notes all the shit I need as my responsibility to let them know I was sick and I do my responsibilities every shift I work so I just kinda feel like I realized I’m not a human to them but just a worker.
Maybe I’m over reacting cause I’m sick or something I just wanted to voice this out to someone so why not you guys.

TLDR: went to the hospital for being sick next day bosses are talking about knowing responsibilities because I’m not there even though they ignored me all week when I tried to update them every time and I know my responsibilities.

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