
Realizing my worth

I got my first customer service job in december, and it was full time. At first I was a little unsure of myself, but was good at the job irregardless. At the end of January, they terminated me and I was heartbroken. They fired me over people who made mistakes and costed money to the company. I didn’t accept it and came back part time once some people left. I started supervising and training new workers and somehow they ended up getting more hours than me. When I’m there, I’m constantly watching to stop them from making mistakes. Once they reduced my hours again, I stopped helping my coworkers. I stopped caring so much and realized I deserve better. I don’t understand why they put the retail manager and someone else with less experience with more hours. I know it’s not because I suck. So what is it? Anyway, after…

I got my first customer service job in december, and it was full time. At first I was a little unsure of myself, but was good at the job irregardless. At the end of January, they terminated me and I was heartbroken. They fired me over people who made mistakes and costed money to the company. I didn’t accept it and came back part time once some people left. I started supervising and training new workers and somehow they ended up getting more hours than me. When I’m there, I’m constantly watching to stop them from making mistakes. Once they reduced my hours again, I stopped helping my coworkers. I stopped caring so much and realized I deserve better. I don’t understand why they put the retail manager and someone else with less experience with more hours. I know it’s not because I suck. So what is it?

Anyway, after realizing my worth I’m applying to jobs that pay WAY more (I get paid 12/hr) and have opportunities for growth. A lot of people have left my job recently because they feel unappreciated and now they’re struggling but I dont owe them anything. I just loved being able to work with dogs.

sorry just wanted to rant.

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