
Recently Fired – Terrible Supervisor

So, I’m a recent college grad (22) and got my first job back in May. It was in my field which made me excited and it was with a highly spoken of company. I recently got fired and wanted to rant about what happened because it makes me so upset and angry. I got there and got “trained” by two more senior artists in a specific application. This application is not available to basically anyone outside of my industry because of price and I had been fortunate enough to get a “student” copy to learn a little bit before hand. That being said, it wasn’t something I was well-trained in. My job description said I would assist the seniors and learn from them but that lasted for two weeks. During those two weeks I got an hour of training every two days and most of it was kind of simple…

So, I’m a recent college grad (22) and got my first job back in May. It was in my field which made me excited and it was with a highly spoken of company. I recently got fired and wanted to rant about what happened because it makes me so upset and angry.

I got there and got “trained” by two more senior artists in a specific application. This application is not available to basically anyone outside of my industry because of price and I had been fortunate enough to get a “student” copy to learn a little bit before hand. That being said, it wasn’t something I was well-trained in. My job description said I would assist the seniors and learn from them but that lasted for two weeks. During those two weeks I got an hour of training every two days and most of it was kind of simple tasks that I assumed would be most of my job until I was able to learn more.

I’m put on my first project and handed work I don’t know how to do. No one has made it clear who I’m meant to report to. I asked and there is a new senior who I’m meant to report to and, while he knows the application, he doesn’t know the organization of this company. I don’t get a lot done because I have to attempt to discern whats going on in the organization on my own.

After this, I’m put on another project two weeks after this one finished. I was given no direction on what to do in the intermediate period. The other project I’m put on does not go well because the leads (I found out later) were not aware I was an assist/junior. So I was given tasks I was not prepared for.

My schedule kept going like this. I got put on a project, I didn’t know who to contact because I wasn’t made aware of who was the lead, I would be given tasks I wasn’t sure how to do, and a few days later I was taken off the project. After this happened three times I contacted the only supervisor I knew and asked him for more training. Instead of setting up time with other seniors, he refered me to the documents and videos he had given me from the beginning. I had watched them several times already and very little of the information was even relevant. I asked him if he could schedule some kind of time for me to have a meeting with a few seniors (since we were all wfh) and he said he would try but most of them were busy.

I didn’t get much back. The next few projects I was on were in a completely different application. I had more previous experience in this one but not in a working environment and not with their system. I had never been trained by them to work in this application. I recieved no documents about it at all and I knew no one on that team. The jobs I got put on were difficult and the same thing happened where I didn’t know who the leads were, who to report to, etc.

I reach out to this supervisor again asking for help and he then created a “training” schedule for me. None of this involved meeting with other seniors. It was: watch training videos again, practice ‘x’, practice ‘y’, practice ‘z.’ I asked him questions along the way but the biggest issue was most of what he asked me to do was in an application the computer I was assigned to Did Not Have. I told him this. I asked someone every day if there was a computer with that application on it available and it wasn’t.

He asked me to go in to office for the two weeks I was doing the “training” and I was the only one in my department there. He told me it would be easier for me if I was there and there might be someone there to help. There wasn’t.

Finally, I’m doing a 6 month check-in with my supervisor and I ask for more help because I want to do well and I’m frustrated with how little help I’ve gotten. He tells me that I should reconsider whether I was fit for this type of job (again, just got out of college with a four year degree in this field) and told me that I was underpreforming. During this review, most of the seniors refused to “review” my preformance (some who I learned later said it wasn’t fair to evaluate me yet) and the only one who had a review for me was my supervisor. He then invited HR to the call to tell me I was terminated. He told me I wasn’t “motivated enough to succeed.”

Oh, the day before this I went to recruiting asking them what to do since I believed I wasn’t being asked to fulfill my job description; I was being asked to do the work of someone much more experienced than me.

I still haven’t found a new job and now I’m not sure if I can and I need money. This shit sucks.

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