
Recently run in with odd behavior.

I'm about 15 years from retirement and have begun preparing for it. I bought a cheap place 2hrs from the city started fixing it up and made it my permanent address. I still have means within the city. When I try to explain this to employers, they take offense. I just find it odd that it feels like I'm not supposed to do something like that. Feels like that old movie invasion of the body snatchers where everyone is alien but me.

I'm about 15 years from retirement and have begun preparing for it. I bought a cheap place 2hrs from the city started fixing it up and made it my permanent address. I still have means within the city. When I try to explain this to employers, they take offense. I just find it odd that it feels like I'm not supposed to do something like that. Feels like that old movie invasion of the body snatchers where everyone is alien but me.

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