
Receptionist Rant

I'm guessing this is a rough day for a lot of people. I worked two random days last week but other than that had a nice collective 9 days off. I am a receptionist at a construction company and I started a few months ago. I've been holding out for a WFH or Hybrid admin job to no avail. I seem to not mind new jobs at first but once the honeymoon period wears off its bad. Anyways, my current boss is driving me absolutely bananas. See, I have very bad anxiety but I don't share that with employers. I also have OCD. These are things I no longer share as it has had negative affects in the past. But don't need to have either of those issues to feel what I'm feeling which is smothered. Since I am reception, my job can be dead one minute and busy the…

I'm guessing this is a rough day for a lot of people. I worked two random days last week but other than that had a nice collective 9 days off.

I am a receptionist at a construction company and I started a few months ago. I've been holding out for a WFH or Hybrid admin job to no avail. I seem to not mind new jobs at first but once the honeymoon period wears off its bad.

Anyways, my current boss is driving me absolutely bananas. See, I have very bad anxiety but I don't share that with employers. I also have OCD. These are things I no longer share as it has had negative affects in the past. But
don't need to have either of those issues to feel what I'm feeling which is smothered.

Since I am reception, my job can be dead one minute and busy the next. I can work as part of a team if need be but there is no reception team, just me. Lately I have been realizing that my super nice manager is very draining. She needs constant attention and acknowledgement. She has to snap, make noise everytime she walks by me. She never stops talking and if I politely say I just need to focus, she acts like I'm weird and says that I should get her to help. It's a one person job. Two people make it harder. It needs one person and focus.

The thing is, she is incredibly invasive. None of us are allowed to talk to eachother. My coworker was asking me if I wanted coffee and she came to break it up. We all noticed anytime we are talking, she will just bark an order out and interrupt. Even if it's work related.

If it was obviously a strict environment I'd get it, but she is ALWAYS TALKING. ALWAYS. ABOUT EVERTHING. She says so many words. She tells you what room she just went in, why, how many steps. She thinks she is so incredibly interesting. She constantly makes tea and forgets but we all have to be very entertained when she announces she forgot it again. I'm feeling so so smothered and overestimated. She also keeps telling me all the other things I need to do this week and goes into detail but I find it redundant. Why get all worked about what is going to happen? I'll worry about the Christmas stuff when she actually wants me to take it down. Why am I being told how and where to put each little thing when im not doing it until next week? I find that overwhelming. She sets her elbows on my desk and just sits there while I work. She comes to use things at my desk she has at hers. There is another guy there who avoids her as well, and it really seems like the more we avoid her the more she is intrusive. She has actually CRIED when he hasn't responded to her friendliness (he's a disgruntled employee and he has a personal issue with her) but she demands so so much of my attention. More than the actual job. And I find myself feeling keyed up and smothered. What should I do? I really don't want to snap

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