
Recruiter Lied (what a shock!)

I’m just posting to vent because I’ve already used up my free bitching passes with everyone who will listen, but I’m still mad about it. I’m not surprised, as this isn’t my first rodeo with staffing companies, but it’s going to hopefully be my last. Basically, I quit my last job, after several grueling years, over forcing me to do phone work I was told by my old recruiter wasn’t part of the job responsibilities (different company, different person). I’ve been out of work for a long time, by choice, but in doing so I’ve also made myself an “unattractive candidate” (oh no!!!! ) so I’ve been having trouble getting responses from companies besides staffing agencies. Well, I finally gave in and decided to apply for a job through a staffing company that fit my criteria (remote, data entry, no or extremely limited phone work). They reached out, we had…

I’m just posting to vent because I’ve already used up my free bitching passes with everyone who will listen, but I’m still mad about it. I’m not surprised, as this isn’t my first rodeo with staffing companies, but it’s going to hopefully be my last.

Basically, I quit my last job, after several grueling years, over forcing me to do phone work I was told by my old recruiter wasn’t part of the job responsibilities (different company, different person).

I’ve been out of work for a long time, by choice, but in doing so I’ve also made myself an “unattractive candidate” (oh no!!!! ) so I’ve been having trouble getting responses from companies besides staffing agencies. Well, I finally gave in and decided to apply for a job through a staffing company that fit my criteria (remote, data entry, no or extremely limited phone work). They reached out, we had several interviews, and when I asked about phone work and how much of it there was, he said “not much” and that it was “internal” calls only. I asked how much percentage wise he would estimate it to be (I know they don’t do the job, but they should be aware of the essential functions of day to day job requirements). I said I was looking for about 20% or less of my daily functions to be phone work, and he said that it’s less than that or about that. I was like ok cool.

So of course on the first day I find out that it’s my entire job function!!!! Wow! I’m getting deja vu!!! That’s exactly what happened with my last job (except they lied saying no phone work at all). Instead of the job description I was given, I find out that we’re doing outbound calls to find missing information to try and close out the inquiry requests in the system.

Wow. Not at all what I was told.

I have extreme phone anxiety. I have audio processing issues and also rely heavily on people’s body language and lip reading to understand them. I’m not giving this information to an employer unless I have no choice, as i know they will not accommodate me; I already tried with my previous job.

Anyways, I’m tired of this. I don’t even want to work. I don’t want to have different needs. I don’t want to have to care about money. I just want to exist and go outside whenever I want, and breathe air and sleep 12 hours a day and get up when I get up. I want to sit by the water and read or write or just sit quietly because I can sit quietly.

But no. Instead i have to listen to this fuck awful ass trainer make stupid jokes and pretend I care while I look for another job. Because I do have to care about money. :/

Humans could have done anything and instead they chose to invent work.

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