
Recruitmentbonus denied due to HR screwup

So, My employer has a referral and recruitment bonus program. If you refer someone and they end up getting hired , the employee who submitted the referral gets a recruitment bonus (payout of about 2.5k). A while ago they updated the program stating that people that first work on a contract basis and then get hired now also apply for this program. All they need to do is submit the name of the employee that referred them in their motivational letter and then have the employee request the referal bonus. And this where the problem starts: Most of the time you dont need to write a seperate motivational letter if you where already working as a contractor. So you just apply if they ask you to and you get your contract and are then employed by instead of contracted. HR is denying all referral bonus requests for those people on…


My employer has a referral and recruitment bonus program.
If you refer someone and they end up getting hired , the employee who submitted the referral gets a recruitment bonus (payout of about 2.5k).

A while ago they updated the program stating that people that first work on a contract basis and then get hired now also apply for this program.
All they need to do is submit the name of the employee that referred them in their motivational letter and then have the employee request the referal bonus. And this where the problem starts:
Most of the time you dont need to write a seperate motivational letter if you where already working as a contractor. So you just apply if they ask you to and you get your contract and are then employed by instead of contracted.

HR is denying all referral bonus requests for those people on the grounds that they did not supply a name in their motivational letter. But these people never got ask for a motivational letter in the first place. Even further, on the companies own internal network it clearly states a mail with a cc to the new employee by the referral employee is enough. HR however has decided to not do what the internal websites is stating but to make their own rules and thus not payout any of the bonuses.
Requests for talks or reviews about their own policy are being denied and they dont even respond to followup emails on the subject.

Meanwhile, the policy on the internal website of the company has still gone unchanged.

Why is it always HR making their own rules seperate to the rest of the company and getting away with it?

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