
Red flags galore?

My fiancé got a promotion at his job. This is major, for a few reasons: my fiancé is a survivor from an end-times cult. Because this cult held so strongly to the whole “end times” thing, no one was allowed to get secondary education, including him. He became chronically ill and bedridden for YEARS because of the psychosomatic stress this put on his body, which allowed him to read new perspectives in that free time, and mentally broke out of the cult. He had to work SO hard to physically get better so he could support himself financially as he left, as his entire family shunned him as he left. Due to all this, he has an incredible mind but up until this point has been forced by current culture to work menial jobs: trucking, cleaning, door dashing. He started in December at a cleaning company as a “specialty” projects…

My fiancé got a promotion at his job.

This is major, for a few reasons: my fiancé is a survivor from an end-times cult. Because this cult held so strongly to the whole “end times” thing, no one was allowed to get secondary education, including him. He became chronically ill and bedridden for YEARS because of the psychosomatic stress this put on his body, which allowed him to read new perspectives in that free time, and mentally broke out of the cult. He had to work SO hard to physically get better so he could support himself financially as he left, as his entire family shunned him as he left.

Due to all this, he has an incredible mind but up until this point has been forced by current culture to work menial jobs: trucking, cleaning, door dashing.

He started in December at a cleaning company as a “specialty” projects guy – he’s was doing cleaning work for the cult for 10 years, so he has a ton of experience.

It’s a small company that grew exponentially in the last few years. They have over 200 employees, but just hired ONE person to do HR in December (though is the very bottom of his priorities).

The CEO caught wind, somehow, of my fiancés life story and invited him for a face-to-face meeting. They talked for 2 hours, and the guy told my fiancé that he wants to build up people like him to be leaders in his company, so they were going to give him a management position. Salaried. Then they added: profit share in the company. Benefits. Whole nine yards.

After this conversation, it took them 3 months to get him the salary offer. They were supposed to use this time to have conversations with the others in the company about his promotion. They knowingly used my fiancé to undermine a person who had been with the company for 5 years – but who the CEO wanted out. (Apparently, he cussed a lot in his emails to clients, promised people promotions he couldn’t give, and refused to fire people who cussed out clients.)

They didn’t talk to him. Of course, as soon as my fiancé gets officially promoted… this guy quits. (Surprised pikachu face) The higher ups were hoping he would stay on long enough to train my fiancé literally how to replace him, and my fiancé was extremely uncomfortable with that. They told him it’d “get figured out.”

Well, not only did the previous manager quit: he deleted every client file and payroll access on his work computer, and no one in the company can get back into it (meaning my fiancé literally can’t pay his employees this week) – nearly every supervisor and other cleaning tech left, too. They went from 6 supervisors to 1.

AND then they found out that they’ve been paying their employees too much, so they need to hire people back into these positions somehow at $10 an hour (so much for profit share – they haven’t made a profit in months!).

He’s had this job for four days and worked 15 hours each day. He’s received 0 training for essentially becoming a branch manager of a whole franchise in a day.

We feel so stuck. The pay is still much higher than anything he’s had access to, but it’s all so unsustainable.

To top it off, this company heralds itself on being a “Christian” company, founded on “Christian” values. My fiancé has to explain them in every interview.

I just want to burn it to the ground.

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