
Reformed Bootlicker

Hello everybody worldwide! I just wanted to say that I used to be a company bootlicker… I would sacrifice my body, time with my family, put the company first… All types of nonsense. You know what the company did for me? Nothing…. I was miserable and missing out on actual life. I still work for the same company, but now I call out when I want, don't put myself in harms way, do my job to the standard set forth and nothing more… You know what the company did? Also nothing… Moral of the story… If you have to work to survive don't break your back for a company that wouldn't break a tooth pick for you For clarification – no company cares for you more than profits. So you need to give them that same energy

Hello everybody worldwide! I just wanted to say that I used to be a company bootlicker… I would sacrifice my body, time with my family, put the company first… All types of nonsense. You know what the company did for me? Nothing…. I was miserable and missing out on actual life.

I still work for the same company, but now I call out when I want, don't put myself in harms way, do my job to the standard set forth and nothing more… You know what the company did? Also nothing…

Moral of the story… If you have to work to survive don't break your back for a company that wouldn't break a tooth pick for you

For clarification – no company cares for you more than profits. So you need to give them that same energy

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