
Refusing a work/Christmas bonus

Let me preface this by saying I work in the car business (sales and service) for a high-line brand. Keep in mind that dealers have made the most money they’ve ever made in the last few years. We sell $60k – $90k vehicles, and the owner can’t even provide water for the customers. The employees have to pitch in and pay for bottle water. Same with coffee, snacks. Our owner won’t spend the smallest amount so that the hungry pregnant woman (who’s been negotiating for two hours) can have a snack. Nooo – I took it upon myself to search my snacks and gave her some. It’s incredible how greedy and cheap multimillionaires can be. She even controls how much soap is used in the bathrooms. Every year Christmas, the owner of the company hands out cash bonuses to each employee. Usually $30-$80. Even the people who have been there…

Let me preface this by saying I work in the car business (sales and service) for a high-line brand. Keep in mind that dealers have made the most money they’ve ever made in the last few years. We sell $60k – $90k vehicles, and the owner can’t even provide water for the customers. The employees have to pitch in and pay for bottle water. Same with coffee, snacks. Our owner won’t spend the smallest amount so that the hungry pregnant woman (who’s been negotiating for two hours) can have a snack. Nooo – I took it upon myself to search my snacks and gave her some. It’s incredible how greedy and cheap multimillionaires can be. She even controls how much soap is used in the bathrooms.

Every year Christmas, the owner of the company hands out cash bonuses to each employee. Usually $30-$80. Even the people who have been there 20+ years. They get the same.

Here’s the kicker – they give me the $80, THEN they take the $80 back (out of the following paycheck), AND they tax it. Every year.

This year, I’m going to be handing it right back to the owner. Don’t give me money, tax it, then take it back.

TLDR: how do I politely hand back a Christmas bonus to the owner without making a scene or attracting attention to myself?

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