
Regulating the HR profession the same way we regulate other industries.

This may be a pipe dream but I would love to see HR positions be regulated the same way other industries are. Instead of protecting companies they have a legal and regulatory obligation to protect the rights of the worker. Let the legal teams protect the company. This way any company that has an HR department is held to a single standard. They would have legal obligations to report any high level talks that are directly attempting to get around consumer or employment laws. This is a way to bring trust back to the workforce.

This may be a pipe dream but I would love to see HR positions be regulated the same way other industries are. Instead of protecting companies they have a legal and regulatory obligation to protect the rights of the worker.

Let the legal teams protect the company. This way any company that has an HR department is held to a single standard. They would have legal obligations to report any high level talks that are directly attempting to get around consumer or employment laws. This is a way to bring trust back to the workforce.

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