
Relieving some pressure

It seems so weird that the so called tech giants don't care about staff anymore. So I'm wondering what state we are currently at? Monopols have been created and most customers are to comfortable in how to gather belongings online to change habits plus ads are keeping the biggest online retailers, streaming services and paying methods omnipresent. Are most jobs just getting redundant due to AI (in service), technical solutions (in e.g. manifacturing or warehouses) and the swap to virtual solutions for almost everything? I'd say you would never have to leave your house again up to the point where going to the hospital is your last chance to survive. The self-proclaimed elites don't care about what we say or do and the world cup in Qatar shows why. In Germany there were and are ongoing debates about the human rights situation towards the construction workers that were held as…

It seems so weird that the so called tech giants don't care about staff anymore. So I'm wondering what state we are currently at?

Monopols have been created and most customers are to comfortable in how to gather belongings online to change habits plus ads are keeping the biggest online retailers, streaming services and paying methods omnipresent.

Are most jobs just getting redundant due to AI (in service), technical solutions (in e.g. manifacturing or warehouses) and the swap to virtual solutions for almost everything? I'd say you would never have to leave your house again up to the point where going to the hospital is your last chance to survive.

The self-proclaimed elites don't care about what we say or do and the world cup in Qatar shows why. In Germany there were and are ongoing debates about the human rights situation towards the construction workers that were held as (partly unpaid) slaves for all we know. Instead of giving any reaction on those concerns, the count of viewers in most countries skyrocketed into new heights.

There are so many markets available for these companies right now that they'll continue to drain all wealth out of the countries until there are no options left for those who gave everything in exchange for worthless stuff they throw away months later.

And the politicians we elect to change that system will be changed by the system as soon as someone offers enough valuables ir arguments to make sure they know who really is in charge.

Words like “tax the rich” fade as soon as we close the subreddit we wrote it into. I hope times will change again but I can't see how…

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