
Remember that historical story, in a Tavern or inn, someplace, where people were talking over a copper-wrapped wooden pint? A story about systemic change or even a revolution?

Yeah, you're talking amongst yourselves of the things that bother you the most, leading to that possible systemic change, the barkeep puts on the wall a sign: “No complaints about your working conditions. Nothing frivolous. You can take that to another Tavern or Inn.” So, you do. You disperse. You get diluted. And that Revolution that might have happened never does. You don't end up with the numbers or the conviction. This is an attempt on this sub right now. And by, probably, the people meaning to make it work that way.

Yeah, you're talking amongst yourselves of the things that bother you the most, leading to that possible systemic change, the barkeep puts on the wall a sign: “No complaints about your working conditions. Nothing frivolous. You can take that to another Tavern or Inn.”

So, you do. You disperse. You get diluted. And that Revolution that might have happened never does.

You don't end up with the numbers or the conviction.

This is an attempt on this sub right now. And by, probably, the people meaning to make it work that way.

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