
Reminder: Your HR managers are really just the cops of the corporate world

My job’s risk managers are on the HR team for a reason- HR is there for one reason and one reason only- to prevent the company from being sued. It is incredibly fucked up that those portrayed as the “mediators” and mental health advocates are heavily biased, but the fact of the matter is, they’re loyal to whoever is paying them money. And that’s always going to be the company. Do not take HR’s advice on anything before doing your own research and consulting any laws involved. HR is the hardest department to find information on for a reason. My dad and many boomers have been convinced it’s a useless job made to coddle the younger generations and create a “safe” space. This is propaganda. HR’s biggest resources are knowledge of the law, employee benefits, workers rights, and what the company can and cannot get away with. Do not trust…

My job’s risk managers are on the HR team for a reason- HR is there for one reason and one reason only- to prevent the company from being sued.

It is incredibly fucked up that those portrayed as the “mediators” and mental health advocates are heavily biased, but the fact of the matter is, they’re loyal to whoever is paying them money. And that’s always going to be the company. Do not take HR’s advice on anything before doing your own research and consulting any laws involved.

HR is the hardest department to find information on for a reason. My dad and many boomers have been convinced it’s a useless job made to coddle the younger generations and create a “safe” space. This is propaganda. HR’s biggest resources are knowledge of the law, employee benefits, workers rights, and what the company can and cannot get away with.

Do not trust HR as anything but an official representative of your employer. They should only be utilized an avenue to report and document anything you need the company to be notified of with a paper trail to back YOU up.

PS -my job has recently been taking initiative in saying accommodations should be able to be requested without disclosing a diagnosis officially to HR – convenient since the only way to be protected under the ADA is if you officially disclosed in the first place.

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