
Report illegal working conditions for my friend?

My mate is working at a company that actively ignores federal work laws. In my country you're not allowed to work longer than 12h and even at 12h they have to give you a 2h break. Now it doesn't affect me but I still find it disgusting that this is just going on without anyone saying a word. Would it be wrong for me to report it? The company is small so it wouldn't be impossible to find out who talked about the conditions etc.

My mate is working at a company that actively ignores federal work laws. In my country you're not allowed to work longer than 12h and even at 12h they have to give you a 2h break. Now it doesn't affect me but I still find it disgusting that this is just going on without anyone saying a word. Would it be wrong for me to report it? The company is small so it wouldn't be impossible to find out who talked about the conditions etc.

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