
Reported a manager for harassment, was forced onto disability by HR, and now they won’t let me return to work PLEASE HELP

Really need some advice. I work for a large corporation in the hospitality industry and have worked for multiple properties over several years. Over the summer I had a flare up of a previous illness and initially my employer was eager to work with new medical restrictions and accommodated a position for me. The initial doctors note was only for a couple of weeks but since my injury persisted longer than anticipated, they kept me in this accomodated position past the doctors note with no indication that it was an issue. Unfortunately during this time, the manager I was now working closer with than before would make small, short, but belittling comments that would undermine the work I was doing. This worsened and increased over time, becoming more and more personal in his remarks and going as far as to bring my disability into question. On multiple occasions he accused…

Really need some advice. I work for a large corporation in the hospitality industry and have worked for multiple properties over several years. Over the summer I had a flare up of a previous illness and initially my employer was eager to work with new medical restrictions and accommodated a position for me. The initial doctors note was only for a couple of weeks but since my injury persisted longer than anticipated, they kept me in this accomodated position past the doctors note with no indication that it was an issue. Unfortunately during this time, the manager I was now working closer with than before would make small, short, but belittling comments that would undermine the work I was doing. This worsened and increased over time, becoming more and more personal in his remarks and going as far as to bring my disability into question. On multiple occasions he accused me of being incapable of simple tasks that I managed everyday. He would ask me in front of all of my coworkers and even other managers if I had forgotten how to read in the time it took to finish a task. He was constantly bringing me into situations that had gone wrong to put the blame on someone, despite that I had never been involved in these scenarios to begin with. I have had issues with this manager previously that I had brought up to various managers, department heads, and even HR. With us working so much more closely than before and things escalating the way they had, I attempted to report him again to HR. After writing yet another statement against this individual and expressing my concerns in continuing to work with him, I was told they would investigate thoroughly and that this was going to have their utmost importance. The next meeting I have with HR I was told they investigated and that they would handle the manager moving forward. They then attempted to turn the conversation to me and the problems that I apparently cause and that basically it isn't the managers fault for treating me the way he has because of the way I stand up for myself. Me defending myself from a managers berating apparently showed repeated disrespect for this individual and unacceptable behavior toward a supervisor. With that said they handed me the paperwork for FMLA and short term disability and told me that if I would like to keep/protect my job, I needed to have my physician fill out and submit the forms. I asked if, since the sudden issue was apparently the outdated doctors note, I could simply return to my previous unaccomodated position, which would also solve the issue of me and the harassing manager from working together. They refused to let me return to work in my original position and insisted once again that if I would like to keep my job to fill out the paperwork. I have since kept them updated as required for short term disability with doctors appointments and medical updates. I have also attempted to have a conversation about what my options might be to return to work. I had been told previously that if I had decided to do so at any time, there would be a conversation about open positions that fit within my current medical restrictions, even if it meant a department transfer. I have expressed my desire to remain in my department as it is my career field and what my degree is for. The only option they have offered me is outside of my current department, would require me to lift my medical restrictions, and is more involved than what I used to do. I am confused why they then wouldn't offer me my supposedly FMLA protected position that wouldn't require as much accomodation or as much of my restrictions to be lifted. Not really sure how to fight this one. Would also really like to know if I am allowed to get a second job in the meantime (I have some savings but can't survive off 50% pay). Thank you in advance!!!!

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