
Reported manager to HR.

Finally reported my toxic manager to HR. He is constantly targeting me and trying to humiliate me in front of staff although I’m like a top performer. Has anyone else been a victim to a bullying situation by their manager ? I literally have no idea what his deal is and what provoked his horrible berating behavior towards me. My teammates support the decision and agree that he’s not a good for for the team I told my HR manager that it took a lot for me to speak up (previously my manager has been reported by other teammates about the same issue because they notice the behavior as well). I’m afraid that them notifying him of this is going to make his treatment towards me worse. I’m scared and I usually love my job, but he’s just such a bully and I hate sharing my thoughts in team meetings…

Finally reported my toxic manager to HR. He is constantly targeting me and trying to humiliate me in front of staff although I’m like a top performer. Has anyone else been a victim to a bullying situation by their manager ? I literally have no idea what his deal is and what provoked his horrible berating behavior towards me. My teammates support the decision and agree that he’s not a good for for the team I told my HR manager that it took a lot for me to speak up (previously my manager has been reported by other teammates about the same issue because they notice the behavior as well). I’m afraid that them notifying him of this is going to make his treatment towards me worse. I’m scared and I usually love my job, but he’s just such a bully and I hate sharing my thoughts in team meetings with him because he’ll treat me like I’m stupid l. I find myself not able to be myself while doing my job because I’m constantly worried about him hyper focusing on me and trying to “make an example” out of me. Anyone else ever dealt with a manager that seems to have a problem with that and they don’t know why as they’ve done nothing to provoke said behavior ??? My HR manager asked me how I felt after talking about it and I admitted that I was terrified because I don’t want any more retaliation. Any words of encouragement or advice on how to navigate any possible outcome would be great. Just feeling a little alone and scared.

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