
Reported SH at work and did nothing about it. Good luck with your already super short staffed department

I worked for this meat plant for a couple of months. The turn over rate is high as people are always coming and going. It was walking distance from me and I honestly didn’t mind it. They trained me how to use and fix certain machines and I became one of two people who knew how to do so. Well, we got a new supervisor who started a couple weeks after I did who has been constantly making me uncomfortable. Asking about my age, where I’m from, if I have a bf, where my bf works, calling me by my full name in this weird, creepy tone. He does all this when nobody is around. I spoke up about it last week to his boss and come to find out, this is the third complaint against him. And yet, he’s still there. The day after I made the complaint, he…

I worked for this meat plant for a couple of months. The turn over rate is high as people are always coming and going. It was walking distance from me and I honestly didn’t mind it. They trained me how to use and fix certain machines and I became one of two people who knew how to do so.

Well, we got a new supervisor who started a couple weeks after I did who has been constantly making me uncomfortable. Asking about my age, where I’m from, if I have a bf, where my bf works, calling me by my full name in this weird, creepy tone. He does all this when nobody is around.

I spoke up about it last week to his boss and come to find out, this is the third complaint against him. And yet, he’s still there. The day after I made the complaint, he tried to get all cozy next to me, violating my personal space. I expressed my discomfort, but it did not seem like it mattered to him. When talking to HR, they said they didn’t see anything on the cameras but even my coworkers witnessed it happen and spoke up. But nothing has been done.

Due to past trauma from being SA, this has been messing with me mentally and emotionally. Today, I came in telling myself that I’d stay for another week and a half so I can put a down payment on a car. But after three hours of him being near me, tensing up every time he came behind me, I decided I was going home on my break. He even tried to bribe me with coupons by hiding them underneath cloth and setting it next to me where nobody can see.

I reached my limit. I’m frustrated, disappointed, and let down by a company who boasts complete care and integrity for their workers. I feel bad for leaving my coworkers to deal with the extra work, but I just can’t do it anymore.

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