
Reporting my boss and direct superiors.

I gave me two weeks the other day. I fully intended to finish the two weeks I've given then bc it's Christmas and pharmacies are severely understaffed. That is, until today. I'm bipolar. It's been known since I've been hired that I have days where my moods are great, and other days that my mood is depressive. This hasn't affected my work ethnic nor the quality of my work. Some days, I'm just sad. Today is one of those days. I'm sad. I'm not being overly friendly to the customers, but I'm polite and cordial. My boss, whom I pulled aside and let her know that today I'm not feeling great, was cool with it. Up until after lunch. She and my direct superior started making comments. “Hey, what's wrong (employee who quit because she didn't like the atmosphere between staff)? You feeling sad?” “You're barely doing anything. If you…

I gave me two weeks the other day. I fully intended to finish the two weeks I've given then bc it's Christmas and pharmacies are severely understaffed.

That is, until today. I'm bipolar. It's been known since I've been hired that I have days where my moods are great, and other days that my mood is depressive. This hasn't affected my work ethnic nor the quality of my work. Some days, I'm just sad.

Today is one of those days. I'm sad. I'm not being overly friendly to the customers, but I'm polite and cordial. My boss, whom I pulled aside and let her know that today I'm not feeling great, was cool with it.

Up until after lunch.

She and my direct superior started making comments.

“Hey, what's wrong (employee who quit because she didn't like the atmosphere between staff)? You feeling sad?”
“You're barely doing anything. If you need to take a nap, do so on your own time.”
“Hello? Aren't you going to smile???”

General shit. What got me though, is that they told me I should go home if I'm going to be in a shitty mood.

I'm not in a shitty mood. I'm mentally ill.

So I clocked out and left without saying anything. I called my fiance crying and he's coming to pick me up. I told him that I don't know what I did wrong. I let them all know that today is an off day. They turned into mean girls because I'm leaving. At this point, I'm on hold with HR.

Should I finish out my two weeks? I have another job lined up and I'm not hurting for money. I just feel so hurt. I've been a loyal, hardworking, punctual team member for nearly 2 years. I don't know what I did wrong. I'm just sad…

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