
request hell: Accommodations

Why is it so hard to get Accommodations when you're neurodivergent?! I'm fighting with HR at my new job for something as simple as having read-aloud and Grammarly and they are demanding doctors' notes and treatments. Like there isn't a fucking treatment for dyslexia?! The state's Department of labor got me tested and has sent letters saying “yes she has a disability she needs xyz” and still its a fucking battle. Oh and finding a doctor to do what they want is next to impossible because my healthcare threw the job doesn't cover it. and its 3000 out of fucking pocket. Like why do we do this? It costs them nothing to let me use these 2 fucking things. I have given them EVERYTHING I HAVE and now I'm having to ask for an extension… Like what the fucking hell man?!

Why is it so hard to get Accommodations when you're neurodivergent?! I'm fighting with HR at my new job for something as simple as having read-aloud and Grammarly and they are demanding doctors' notes and treatments. Like there isn't a fucking treatment for dyslexia?! The state's Department of labor got me tested and has sent letters saying “yes she has a disability she needs xyz” and still its a fucking battle. Oh and finding a doctor to do what they want is next to impossible because my healthcare threw the job doesn't cover it. and its 3000 out of fucking pocket. Like why do we do this? It costs them nothing to let me use these 2 fucking things. I have given them EVERYTHING I HAVE and now I'm having to ask for an extension… Like what the fucking hell man?!

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