
Resignation Letter (Nuclear Option)

I thought you all might find this entertaining. A few notes: No I did not have a backup job waiting, although I did get offered a new job within 24 hours of walking away (with a $20k raise). I don't recommend burning your bridges whilst you are standing on them unless you are 100% sure you have somewhere to fall up to. #GetANetwork I have redacted to ensure ambiguity of the parties involved as the CEO has a habit of suing or otherwise trying to ruin everyone who walks away from him. This is generic enough that if he sees it and tries to sue he'll have a hard time not admitting to the allegations contained. #FuckYouRob I didn't report anything because a few days later I had a friend at the same company drop round for a beer. He'd advised the CEO to stand down from his threats of…

I thought you all might find this entertaining. A few notes:

  1. No I did not have a backup job waiting, although I did get offered a new job within 24 hours of walking away (with a $20k raise). I don't recommend burning your bridges whilst you are standing on them unless you are 100% sure you have somewhere to fall up to. #GetANetwork

  2. I have redacted to ensure ambiguity of the parties involved as the CEO has a habit of suing or otherwise trying to ruin everyone who walks away from him. This is generic enough that if he sees it and tries to sue he'll have a hard time not admitting to the allegations contained. #FuckYouRob

  3. I didn't report anything because a few days later I had a friend at the same company drop round for a beer. He'd advised the CEO to stand down from his threats of a defamation lawsuit (the statements he made to me were verbal) and asked that I didn't drop the Stat Decs I'd written up off with investors and the government regulatory body in question. I still have the Stat Decs safe and sound. #MutuallyAssuredDestruction.


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