
resigned & they are having two people lined up to replace me?

I have resigned this week due to ridiculous workload and working two hours overtime for free, while being made to feel like my job is only 10 minutes and constantly getting bashed with quality of work although I have expressed that this is outside my role and it is the best I can do and I am only one person. I was handling 4-5 roles simultaneously since people have resigned/fired from our team. Management has empty promises for hiring new staff for a year or so, with 0 action towards doing so. Half of my team gets sick (probably due to the ridiculous workload (stress) lowering their immune system) I am covering for ALL OF THEM on top of doing the other tasks that are outside of my job description. Whenever I push back on requests due to lack of staff, management keeps saying yes to clients and don’t take…

I have resigned this week due to ridiculous workload and working two hours overtime for free, while being made to feel like my job is only 10 minutes and constantly getting bashed with quality of work although I have expressed that this is outside my role and it is the best I can do and I am only one person. I was handling 4-5 roles simultaneously since people have resigned/fired from our team. Management has empty promises for hiring new staff for a year or so, with 0 action towards doing so. Half of my team gets sick (probably due to the ridiculous workload (stress) lowering their immune system) I am covering for ALL OF THEM on top of doing the other tasks that are outside of my job description. Whenever I push back on requests due to lack of staff, management keeps saying yes to clients and don’t take into consideration that no one in our team is here besides me and I’m left to do all their work because they didn’t push back.

Management pretends that this is shocking news and will try to give me a promotion with no raise (aka more responsibilities in my description for free) under the promise of it being “Career development opportunity” it’s good for your C.V. Which they have done before to numerous people who have accepted it. I respectfully refuse, but express that I am open to a conversation.

Whenever I push back on ridiculous requests and the workload, I am told I am being aggressive and that my perception of reality is skewed? Essentially telling me I’m delusional in front of my teammates.

My teammates are understanding and are equally stressed and are also planning on leaving soon.

So if I’m delusional, can someone explain to me why a day after I resigned they are hiring two people who will replace some of the workload I do? They need more to cover what I did though. It was validating to me when I saw that because I was made to feel like my work is nothing and when I pushed back I was being unreasonable and aggressive.

Not to mention the week I resigned they had to cancel half of the things happening that week, because I was essentially doing the whole department work lol

I don’t regret my decision at all. I do have to work my one month notice though, but I will keep it professional and do what I have to do and leave without stirring anything up.

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